Botticelli's Scallop Nigiri

Michael Chen and Sangita Vasikaran

Components: scaled for 40+ servings


  • 5 lb Sushi Rice (.5 cups of rice per person + extra)

  • 40 raw-safe bay scallops

  • ~17 fl oz Sesame oil

  • 500g Kewpie mayo

  • Sushi vinegar, can substitute with salt/sugar/rice vinegar to taste

  1. Cook rice by preferred method. Season while hot with sushi vinegar and paddle.

  2. When room temperature, form rice rolls with hands or sushi mat. 

  3. Sear rice in sesame oil until golden brown; 2 mins per side on med-high heat.

  4. Cut rolls into individual pieces. 

  5. Butterfly cut scallops and lay upon rice. 

  6. Lightly spread mayo on top of scallop and blowtorch right before serving. 

Bugak gim (Seaweed crisps)

  • 50 roasted seaweed pieces about the size of playing cards

  • 150g Glutinous rice flour

  • 300g water

  • Salt and dashi powder to taste

  • High-heat resistance oil, like vegetable or canola

  1. Heat rice flour, seasonings, water over med-high heat until a translucent, smooth paste with Elmer’s-glue-like consistency forms :) 

  2. Coat one side of seaweed pieces with a thick layer of paste. Let dry for atleast 10 minutes and up to a few days, overnight.

  3. Deep-fry in hot oil with rice paste-side down until the chips stop releasing water/gas.


  • 3 cups Lemon juice

  • 3 Tb or sugar to taste

  • 5 oz Wasabi paste

  • 3 cups Soy sauce

  • 20g Soy lecithin

  1. For lemon wasabi foam, mix lemon juice + wasabi + sugar with immersion blender. Add around 10g soy lecithin (or more as needed) and blend until foaming. Separate out foam for safekeeping as blending goes on so as to not break the bubbles. Foam is stable for at least an hour and can be re-blended if needed.

  2. For soy sauce foam, mix soy sauce with soy lecithin and proceed as above. 


  • Dill for garnish

  • Cucumbers for garnish

    • Mandolin-cut thin strips to roll into cylinders

Plate as desired! Be aware that foam will flatten when under blowtorch. 


Rose soda


Mondrian’s Duck Breast three-ways